Osma UltraRib is a fully socketed system of pipe and fittings which combines secure jointing with ease of installation. For foul and surface water drainage for adoptable and non adoptable situations requiring a high stiffness classification
Shear banded couplings are a requirement of the UK water companies when connecting onto their assets. This requirement forms part of Water Industry Specification (WIS) 4-41-01, which outlines the requirements to connect pipes on adopted systems using only shear banded couplings. The shear band gives the connection added protection against shear loads that could cause the pipes to become mis-aligned.
Osma UltraRib is a fully socketed system of pipe and fittings which combines secure jointing with ease of installation. For foul and surface water drainage for adoptable and non adoptable situations requiring a high stiffness classification
Shear banded couplings are a requirement of the UK water companies when connecting onto their assets. This requirement forms part of Water Industry Specification (WIS) 4-41-01, which outlines the requirements to connect pipes on adopted systems using only shear banded couplings. The shear band gives the connection added protection against shear loads that could cause the pipes to become mis-aligned.