Restec Flexitec 2020 is the flexible GRP system that has revolutionised the merchant liquid roofing market.
Like traditional fibreglass systems it is fast curing, extremely tough and can easily accommodate foot traffic.
It is not just timber that it can be applied to as it can coat existing roof surfaces such as felt, concrete, asphalt, GRP, liquid and single-ply.
Roofs can be overlaid without the need for stripping.
No matter the size, shape or complexity of the roof, Flexitec 2020 provides a seamless, tough and flexible membrane to any roof or balcony area.
This 10m2 Roofing Kit is designed to provide all the materials and application tools needed to form a waterproof flexible GRP laminate whilkst minimising waste and left-over materials.
A high quality MEKP catalyst, tested and proven with our system. Great control and no loss of fire rating qualities in finished products. 500gram and 1 Kg come in a handy dispensing unit made to our design. All caps are vented to avoid gas build up and comply with current health and safety legislation. 1Kg, 500gram, and 250gram bottles have vented child resistant caps. Available in 5kg, 1kg, 500g and 250g bottles.
Stronghold glass has excellent stiffness, wet out time and carry time suitable for GRP roofing applications. A very consistent product which is very important for single layer applications… no weak spots. Available in weight 600g/m² or 450g/m² and size 32kg box or cut rolls.
Manufactured for us by a world leading gelcoat and flocoat manufacturer. When used with our resins and glass reinforcing achieves FAA fire rating. No extra coverings are required to achieve FAA. Available in mid grey Ral 7046, dark grey RAL 7011 or clear. We can supply in any colour upon request from the BS colour range or the European RAL colour range. Guaranteed for 20 or 25 years depending on resin choice. Available in 20kg, 10kg and 5kg tins.
The highest quality resin manufactured to our specifications and modified with plasticisers and fire retardants to achieve the highest FAA fire rating. Guaranteed for 25 years. Available in 20kg and 10kg tins
A high quality MEKP catalyst, tested and proven with our system. Great control and no loss of fire rating qualities in finished products. 500gram and 1 Kg come in a handy dispensing unit made to our design. All caps are vented to avoid gas build up and comply with current health and safety legislation. 1Kg, 500gram, and 250gram bottles have vented child resistant caps. Available in 5kg, 1kg, 500g and 250g bottles.
Stronghold glass has excellent stiffness, wet out time and carry time suitable for GRP roofing applications. A very consistent product which is very important for single layer applications… no weak spots. Available in weight 600g/m² or 450g/m² and size 32kg box or cut rolls.
Manufactured for us by a world leading gelcoat and flocoat manufacturer. When used with our resins and glass reinforcing achieves FAA fire rating. No extra coverings are required to achieve FAA. Available in mid grey Ral 7046, dark grey RAL 7011 or clear. We can supply in any colour upon request from the BS colour range or the European RAL colour range. Guaranteed for 20 or 25 years depending on resin choice. Available in 20kg, 10kg and 5kg tins.
The highest quality resin manufactured to our specifications and modified with plasticisers and fire retardants to achieve the highest FAA fire rating. Guaranteed for 25 years. Available in 20kg and 10kg tins