Relocating to a site over twice the size of its previous home on Albert Road, the new 2.6 acre site at Days Road, St Philips BS2 0QP, houses the updated Travis Perkins Bristol branch. The increased size now offers customers a large Tool Hire service, a Benchmarx Kitchens showroom, brick centre and landscaping centre - all under one roof! You will now find big brand names available to include: Tobermore, Talasey and Stowell Concrete.
The store also features an HGV only area that will be using electric forklifts, plus electric charging points. This will have a great impact on our ambitions to reduce carbon emissions.
15 jobs have been created here, with half of the team now consisting of a female force, including two assistant managers.
The reopening in early February 2022 welcomed Scott Murray, ex Bristol City winger, to open the branch and customers could meet the local legend, who also signed Bristol City footballs and shirts to boot.
Simon Brierley, Bristol branch manager, said: “We’re really excited to have opened the doors to our relocated site to the tradespeople and builders of Bristol. We’re delighted to be offering hard landscaping for the first time as well as showcasing our new Benchmarx kitchen showroom and Hire Service. We have a great team in place and have everything you need, when you need it, all in one place. It’s all about doing what matters for the trade.”