Multipanel have changed the way bathrooms are decorated today. No more wasted time installing tiles and cleaning discoloured grout. Just wipe clean and go. No-one loves cleaning their bathroom, and bathroom panels prove to be a much more practical solution that tiles. We have been using laimated surfaces in bathrooms for years and years. Why did it take so long to start using these materials for bathroom and shower walls? Arctic Stone, with it's realistic concrete texture brings nature into your bathrooms. With a 15 year guarantee is a clear, practical choice to spruce up your bathroom.
With a slightly weathered look, Concrete Formwood, from the Linda Barker Collection of Multipanel waterproof wall panels, exude gentle warmth and texture that will transform your bathroom into a place of calm and tranquility. Panels are quick and easy to install and provide a luxurious and easy-care alternative to tiles. They can be fitted on top of almost any surface such as wood and concrete and also on top of tiles, which makes them a great choice for reducing the downtime often associated with a bathroom or wet room renovation. And because they have no grout lines, the prospect of mould is consigned to history— a quick wipe is all that’s needed to keep them looking perfect for years to come. Near invisible joints using Hydrolock® technology provide near seamless joints for a flawless completely waterproof finish. Multipanel panels are backed by a 15 year guarantee.
The natural mossy lichen colour of Esher Linewood certainly brings the outdoors into the home. The fine grained wood texture of this panel, which features in the Multipanel Heritage Collection of waterproof wall panels, will help you create an elegant bathroom you’ll admire for years to come. Panels can be attached to most surfaces and are easy to fit on top of old tiles, making them the way forward in the way we decorate our bathrooms. What’s more, a complete absence of grout lines eliminates the prospect of mould and makes for quick and easy cleaning —a quick wipe and you’re done! Like other panels in the Heritage Collection, Esher Linewood is available unlipped or with Hydrolock.® Both versions are backed by a 15-year guarantee.
Multipanel are the best selling waterproof bathroom wall panels in the UK. Adding simplicity to your renovation project. Simpler and speedier to install than tiles, completely watertight and easier to clean and maintain, so says looking better for longer. Multipanel shower panels are the obvious choice. They also come with a 15 year guarantee.
Multipanel have changed the way bathrooms are decorated today. No more wasted time installing tiles and cleaning discoloured grout. Just wipe clean and go. No-one loves cleaning their bathroom, and bathroom panels prove to be a much more practical solution that tiles. We have been using laimated surfaces in bathrooms for years and years. Why did it take so long to start using these materials for bathroom and shower walls? Arctic Stone, with it's realistic concrete texture brings nature into your bathrooms. With a 15 year guarantee is a clear, practical choice to spruce up your bathroom.
With a slightly weathered look, Concrete Formwood, from the Linda Barker Collection of Multipanel waterproof wall panels, exude gentle warmth and texture that will transform your bathroom into a place of calm and tranquility. Panels are quick and easy to install and provide a luxurious and easy-care alternative to tiles. They can be fitted on top of almost any surface such as wood and concrete and also on top of tiles, which makes them a great choice for reducing the downtime often associated with a bathroom or wet room renovation. And because they have no grout lines, the prospect of mould is consigned to history— a quick wipe is all that’s needed to keep them looking perfect for years to come. Near invisible joints using Hydrolock® technology provide near seamless joints for a flawless completely waterproof finish. Multipanel panels are backed by a 15 year guarantee.
The natural mossy lichen colour of Esher Linewood certainly brings the outdoors into the home. The fine grained wood texture of this panel, which features in the Multipanel Heritage Collection of waterproof wall panels, will help you create an elegant bathroom you’ll admire for years to come. Panels can be attached to most surfaces and are easy to fit on top of old tiles, making them the way forward in the way we decorate our bathrooms. What’s more, a complete absence of grout lines eliminates the prospect of mould and makes for quick and easy cleaning —a quick wipe and you’re done! Like other panels in the Heritage Collection, Esher Linewood is available unlipped or with Hydrolock.® Both versions are backed by a 15-year guarantee.
Multipanel are the best selling waterproof bathroom wall panels in the UK. Adding simplicity to your renovation project. Simpler and speedier to install than tiles, completely watertight and easier to clean and maintain, so says looking better for longer. Multipanel shower panels are the obvious choice. They also come with a 15 year guarantee.